BIOFIT ( is an EU project that aims to facilitate the introduction of bioenergy retrofitting in Europe’s industry. In early July, two more BIOFIT case studies related to the retrofitting of Tuzla and Kakanj power plants in Bosnia-Herzegovina officially started with a site-visit and a kick-off meeting.
Retrofitting is one of the fast ways to increase Europe’s renewable energy share by making the energy production of existing industries more sustainable. Retrofitting means often lower capital costs, shorter lead times, faster implementation, less production time losses and lower risks.
The BIOFIT project will – during its 3-year duration - facilitate the introduction of bioenergy retrofitting in five specific industrial sectors, namely first-generation biofuels, pulp and paper, fossil refineries, fossil firing power and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants. Part of the project is the development of ten concrete case studies. In these case studies, the technical, economic, market, and environmental feasibility of an actual retrofit opportunity will be evaluated. A number of BIOFIT case studies have already started in late June 2019 with a kick-off meeting in Vienna, Austria.
On 10-11 July 2019, Elektroprivreda BiH hosted a delegation of BIOFIT project partners in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina in order to officially start the activities of two further case studies of BIOFIT, related to two of its thermal power plants:
The BIOFIT project partners that participate in the Tuzla and Kakanj power plants case studies are the following:
During the visit, representatives from the partners above had the chance to visit both the Kakanj and Tuzla power plants in order to see first-hand the fuel handling facilities, the power production equipment as well as to speak directly with the plant operators on the challenges and opportunities of bioenergy retrofitting. On the following day, Electropriveda BiH hosted a meeting in its headquarters in Sarajevo, during which further and more detailed aspects of the two case studies were discussed.
The BIOFIT project welcomes this successful kick-off meeting; the Kakanj and Tuzla case studies are expected not only to yield positive results on the merits of bioenergy retrofitting, but also to serve as powerful imitation examples for other industries and stakeholders in the whole Western Balkans area.
The BIOFIT consortium consists of fourteen partners from eight European countries: Sweden, The Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Finland, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Greece. The consortium consists of both industrial partners and academic / research partners.
Anes Kazagic (company representative), Electropriveda BiH, Email:
Manolis Karampinis (case study team leader), Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Email:
Patrick Reumerman (BIOFIT coordinator), BTG Biomass Technology Group BV, Email: